I was lucky enough to be invited to the VIP XPlus Premier Screening of Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes. The evening started at 6:30 pm where we were welcomed into the Studio One Bar and were greeted with a choice of either Champagne, Sparkling Elder Flower Cordial or Orange Juice. I chose the Elder Flower - I thought it was a nice refreshing choice as I was the designated driver...I know! No fair! The room was in full swing by the time we arrived. Waiters were serving the most delicious canapes from every corner of the room, shortly followed by mini desserts which I was trying very hard to say no to. I took this as my que to go and take as many pictures of the event as possible. From the Champagne being poured, to the superior XPlus screen itself!

With the assistance of the complex manager we ventured up to the third floor where the XPlus Screen is located to marvel at its greatness! I was in absolute awe as I walked around the corner and caught a glimpse of this vibrant blue screen that just hits you smack in the face! Needless to say I was impressed.
Very impressed.
Once all the the guests had arrived we were asked to take our seats and revel in the XPlus experience. Once at our seats we were given little goodie bags containing popcorn, 3D glasses and a bottle of water. The seats themselves were brand new and I have to say, very comfortable indeed. I'm normally a bugger for fidgeting about when watching a film but I didn't move once.
So on to the actual XPlus experience...this was like no other cinema experience. It was amazing and certainly revolutionary. I am an avid cinema goer, so when something new comes along which is going to make my viewing more extreme I'm definitely up for trying it out.
It was awesome!!
So, what is Showcase XPlus? It's a
proprietary large format auditorium featuring Dolby Atmos™ sound and the most advanced digital projection and screen technology. XPlus offers a premium cinema experience with immersive sound, crystal clear projection and reserved seating.
At the start of the film we were given a brief presentation of how XPlus creates an experience like no other. We were told that in the next few minutes we would hear a man singing, however it would be as if he was walking around the auditorium. So the music starts (there is nothing on the screen) and you feel the man is literally walking in a huge circle around you. People were turning around in their seats as he was 'walking' behind them. The sound was just immense and the quality of sound was like no other. We were then thrown into what could only be descried as a monsoon storm in what would seem like a rainforest. Thunder, lightning, torrential rain! It was fantastic - it was as if you were there, experiencing it for yourself - just not getting drenched.
Then came the picture; we were asked to put on our 3D glasses and revel in the ultra sharp image quality. Again, we were not disappointed - the quality was second to none and was visually stunning. If Showcase could fit one of these in my lounge - that'd be great! In all seriousness, this really will make people get out of their homes to go and experience a film at Showcase as it's completely out of this world.
People were cheering, whooping and applauding this magnificent technology. Needless to say I was joining in too! I knew this would certainly make watching any film a hundred times more intense.
With regards to the film itself - I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but it was brilliant, exciting and quite worryingly life-like! Also it's not essential to watch the first film in the series, so don't let that put you off seeing it.
So; prices to watch a film in a Showcase XPlus is £14.90 a ticket. To watch a 3D film in a standard screening is £12.40, so I really do think it's worthwhile spending that extra few pounds to experience something extraordinary.
There are currently only 3 XPlus Screens in the UK at the moment in Derby, Nottingham and Leeds. However we were told last night that Leicester and Bristol are due to have them fitted this year. So watch this space.
Also on a side note; if you sign up to become an Insider you benefit from discounted tickets and food deals. It really is worthwhile doing,
so sign up now.
Make sure to book soon!